It's not their path...
“It’s not their path”

A theme that has been presenting itself prominently of late… in Tarot readings for my clients here in the studio.
How many times have you felt frustration that a person in your life can’t see a situation from your perspective?
How many times have you given too much of your own energy trying to bring someone else to the same current level of existence, understanding, awareness, and consciousness as you?
In short… how often have you tried to change someone? Or change their situation for them?
As difficult as it may be to accept… your path is simply… not

The Universe has us each exploring our own unique, distinctive path. You’re on this path to delve into experiences that will enlighten you to exactly what you need to be taught in this lifetime… at exactly the right time. To learn pinpointed lessens that are gifted specifically to *you*.
If you’re lucky… along the way, you’ll find companions and loved ones who are on kindred paths with you. At other times… people may be on a comparable track… though at completely different times. More than likely, you’ll also encounter people whose route is vastly different to your own.
It becomes increasingly agonizing though, when those we hold close to our heart… are on exceedingly different paths… *especially* when it’s time for *us* to forge a different way forward, and make a shift in life.
Knight of Swords
in Tarot encourages us to accelerate, take action, and move forward in life… with courage, confidence, and assurance.

Though when combined with the
Eight of Cups
for instance… we are reminded that with each leap of forward movement… comes the inevitable movement away from those who do not share our current path.

At pivotal times like these… we can feel an array of uncomfortable emotions… regret, guilt, grief, sadness, frustration, helplessness.
Though a key realization that’s to be had here… illuminates to us the fact that by attempting to force those to walk with us on our own path… we are depriving them of the lessons that need to come their way on their own journey. We are cheating them out of experiences that they need to encounter. Despite our purest intentions… we are robbing them of growth. Growth which is only be found on their own path.
Who are we to strip another human being of their purposed experience here on Earth?
Perhaps their experience on their own path will bestow valuable knowledge and skill upon them… that they will later share with you… when you *do* eventually cross paths again.
Perhaps through their own passage, they will obtain strengths and offerings that they will later gift to you, which you may not otherwise have received on your own path.
Perhaps during their exploration via their own route, they will encounter what is vital to their growth and success… of which you couldn’t provide for them.
Surrender to the fact that we all walking different roads… and even those of us who share the same road, or eventually reach the same resolution… will likely find this journey travels at different trajectories.
We are all exactly where we need to be. At exactly the right time
Their path, is not your path